Imperfect Produce's blog, The Whole Carrot, interviewed Rewilder founder Jenny Silbert about this project. Read here! We also sat down with Imperfect Produce's Unwasted Podcast for an episode on rethinking sustainable apparel. Listen here!
Thank you to the Imperfect Foods team that committed to this upcycling project and made it possible, especially Emily Carter and Alyssa Seibert.
Upcycling Unused Banners Context After rebranding, imperfect foods is left with obsolete marketing banners and tablecloths with the old company logo. Imperfect foods wants to keep these materials from becoming waste and use them in a way which is consistent with the ethos of the company. Challenge The high performance material used for these old marketing products is difficult or impossible to recycle, and therefore heads to landfill at the end of its first life. Impact The objective is to upcycle and reuse the old Imperfect Produce banners, diverting them into valuable product that extends the life of the material and leverages all the best properties from its first life as a banner – durable, waterproof, easy to clean, graphic. We created tote bags for the company to give away for promotional purposes and they were a huge sucess! Re-thinking sustainable Apparel: UNwasted the Podcast "Rewilder at its very core is a zero-waste company. We use fashion as a vehicle to propel that mission forward. On our consumer line of business, we divert high-performance industrial materials from going to a landfill, and upcycle them into well-designed and functional bags. On our corporate partnership side we do the exact same thing but we use our partners materials instead to make the bags.”Stephanie Choi Head of Marketing Rewilder. Re-thinking sustainable apparel: unwasted the podcast. Fast fashion is the single-use plastic of fashion.” Jenny Silbert Master Scavenger, Rewilder Imperfect Produce X Rewilder
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